Turning Photograph Into Cartoon-Style Picture (Part 4 - Coloring)

Turning Photograph Into Cartoon-Style Picture (Part 4 - Coloring)
This is the last part of tutorial on turning photograph into cartoon-style picture. (If you haven't done so, please read the first partsecond part, and the third part of the tutorial).
On the third part of the tutorial, we have applied some shading to the cartoon photo. Here's what we got so far:

By the end of part 4 of the tutorial, we will have something like this as the final result of our cartooning work:

Now begin..

Step 6: Coloring

Our next step is coloring.
For our Rihanna picture, we need to colorize her shirt (tank top?), lips, teeth, eyes, and hair.
Let's begin.
1. On the Tools Palette, choose 'Paint Bucket Tool'  (or press 'G').

2. Press 'd' to set the foreground color to black and background color to white.

3. On the Layers Palette, select the 'skin' layer.

4. Click the 'Create new fill or adjustment layer'  at the bottom of Layers Palette.
On the popup menu, choose 'Solid Color...'. A 'Color Picker' dialog box will be displayed.

5. On the 'Color Picker' dialog box, pick a dark red color. This color will be used for the shirt. (I picked #B24747 for the shirt. You don't need to be too picky here. We can change the color easily later whenever we want to).
Click OK

6. Now we have something like this.

7. Click on the canvas to fill our shirt's layer mask with black color.

8. Rename our new layer to 'shirt'.
And now we have something like this.

9. Create a clipping mask between 'shirt' layer and 'skin' layer. Press Ctrl+ Alt + G while the 'shirt' layer is still selected.

10. Repeat step 4 through step 9 to make layers for the color of lips, eyes, iris, and hair.
By the end of this step, our layers will be like this:

11. Now that we've done preparing the layer for each color , we can start coloring each part of the picture.
Let's start with the hair.
From the 'Tools Palette', pick 'Pencil Tool'  (or press 'B').

12. On the 'Layers Palette', select the 'hair' layer.

13. Make sure the foreground color is pure white. (Press 'X' if you have to switch foreground and background colors).

14. Start painting the hair. Use a hard brush with the opacity set to 100%. Make sure that you zoom in when coloring, so that it is nice and tidy. (The clipping mask help us a lot here. It won't let the color run out of border)

15. Now let's move on with the next layer, the 'iris'. On the 'Layers Palette', select the 'iris' layer. Repeat steps 13 through 14 to paint the iris.
Here's what we got:

16. The eyes (the white part of the eyes) and teeth (for they have the same color, which is white)...

17. The lips...

18. shirt...

And anytime you feel the need to change a color of any layer, just double click the layer (not the layer mask!) and choose a new color on the Color Picker. Very easy.

That's all!
We're done cartooning the photograph.

And here's our cute cartoon photo of Rihanna: 

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